Women's Soccer Male Practice Players

February 12, 2020
Ball State women’s soccer team will be hosting tryouts for male practice players. Those selected will help in weekly training sessions.

When: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 6:30am-8:00am
Where: Recreation Turf Room, near the rec center.
Dress: cleats, shin guards, and a white t-shirt.
*If you are interested, please email Katy Etelman (kedolesh@bsu.edu) with your name and BSU ID. You MUST be enrolled full time (12 hrs undergrad, 9 hrs grad)
Commitment to begin immediately or fall of 2020.

Those selected will have to be cleared by NCAA compliance and medical waivers.
For tryouts, 3 items are required:
1) Proof of a completed physical examination performed by a physician/nurse practitioner within the past 12 months.
-US Healthworks, Med Express, Family Physician, etc..
2) Copy of a current VALID health care insurance card.
3) Signed waiver (provided by BSU coaches).

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