VIA Character Strength Spotlight: Kindness

July 20, 2020

Kindness is one of 24 universal character strengths and is within the virtue category of humanity. It involves being generous, caring, and compassionate towards others. It is one of the top five most prevalent character strengths globally. Kindness helps buffer against the negative effects of stress. Kindness towards yourself helps to lessen anxiety, self-criticism and perfectionism.

Use your character strength of kindness to help others. “When a colleague is being open about a difficult or challenging experience, try to listen without analyzing or judging what they are telling you. Be there for them and make them feel comfortable and safe.”

VIA character strengths are a family of positive personality traits reflected in our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They are basic building blocks of a flourishing life and serve as pathways to PERMA wellbeing.

Learn more about building your Kindness strength.

Source: Character Strengths Interventions: A Field Guide for Practitioners, Ryan M. Niemiec (2018).
Your Strengths Blueprint: How to be Engaged, Energized and Happy at Work, Michelle McQuaid and Erin Lawn (2014).

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