The Office of Victim Services is now The Center for Survivor Support!

September 12, 2022

The Center for Survivor Support, previously The Office of Victim Services, is looking forward to another year of education, awareness, and devotion to our students. The Center for Survivor Support exists to provide Ball State Students with inclusive, survivor-centered support, through confidential advocacy. We respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and strive to create a community free from violence through education. CSS provides nonjudgmental, confidential support to student survivors of gender-based violence (i.e. dating and domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault). Additionally, CSS is available 24 hours-a-day for students in need of support, information, referrals, and advocacy. The advocate will respond to IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital or Ball State Police Department after hours, 24/7, to provide emotional support and guidance, assistance with the exploration of options and accessing campus and community resources, including filing for a protective order.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please call us at 765-285-3775, or send an e-mail to


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