Please consider participating in a Nutrition and Health Science research study. Free health data and compensation are available. Your participation can help us better understand how body composition (muscle versus fat) influence health markers in females with a body mass index (BMI) in the “normal” range (IRBNet #2201237-1).

We will ask you to complete a screener and two additional in-lab visits. At the screening visit we will explain the study and complete several one-time measurements (e.g., blood pressure, BMI). During the second and third visits, we will ask you to consume a high-fat meal and complete a stress task. At the second and third visits, we will collect blood samples and perform several measurements related to your vascular health. The total in-lab time commitment is ~8.5 hours over the three visits. Additionally, you will be asked to keep a food log and wear a physical activity tracker prior to each visit.

By completing our study, you will receive free health information such as:

  • Body composition (e.g., body fat %) and bone density with DXA
  • Several measures of vascular health
  • Metabolic markers (e.g., cholesterol, blood sugar)
  • Inflammatory markers
  • Markers of gut health

You will also receive a $100 Tango gift card for completing all study visits. Compensation will not be prorated if you withdraw from the study. Initial screening criteria include female, age of 18-50 years old, and a BMI of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 (calculate BMI here). We are flexible with scheduling and have free/convenient parking. For more information about this IRB approved study (IRBNet #2201237-1), please reach out to Alexis Quirk at! 

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