2025 Summer Assessment Grants - Request for Proposals 

The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs will once again support innovative faculty projects that improve student learning outcomes assessment.  While projects may vary considerably in nature and scope, projects that pursue assessment activities outside the scope of normal, required assessment activities will be prioritized.   

Funding is available to provide stipends during the summer to faculty members; funds may not be used by staff members or for operating expenses. Upon completion of the project, a brief report summarizing the summer grant work is required. 

Proposals (no more than 2 pages total) are solicited from faculty members, working individually or in teams of two or three faculty members. Each proposal should include the following information:

  1. Project goals and objectives 
  2. Background and rationale for the project, including a statement as to how the project relates to department, college, and/or University assessment plans
  3. Description of project activities and anticipated results 
  4. The amount of funding requested (up to $500.00 per faculty member, not to exceed a total of $1,500 per faculty team)
  5. Support for the project provided by the department or college (e.g., supplies, graduate assistant wages, etc.) as appropriate 
  6. Name(s) of faculty member(s) who will carry out the project 
  7. Affirmation that the department chair and college dean are aware of the project and endorse it 

Completed proposals should be submitted via the Qualtrics link below by February 28, 2025. Proposals will be reviewed by members of the University Assessment Committee.  Awards will be announced before the end of the 2025 spring semester.  All work must be completed and the final report submitted by June 30, 2025.

Please note that funding will not be awarded to those who have previously received funding and failed to supply a follow-up report summarizing the summer grant work. Faculty members who apply for summer assessment grants must be current employees who are returning to Ball State in the fall of 2025. Faculty members who are not returning to Ball State in the fall of 2025 are ineligible for 2025 summer assessment grant funds.

Submit your proposal HERE.

Questions? Contact Carole Kacius, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, at cakacius@bsu.edu.


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