Staying Positive this Holiday Season

November 24, 2020

This year our holiday gatherings may be different than years past. Most of us look forward to this time of year as a period of reflection, relaxation and spending time with loved ones. With many of our traditions on hold for this year, it may be challenging to find reasons to be thankful.

Here are some ways to stay positive and find small things to be thankful for this holiday season:

  • Create new traditions: Switching up your traditions this year can help make the holiday season still feel special. Make holiday cards to send to loved ones! Try cooking one new holiday dish every week. Change up your holiday decorations. Try watching a new holiday movie!
  • Incorporate self-care into your daily routine: Self-care during a pandemic is critically important, especially going into the holiday season. Take a short walk when you have some time. Listen to calming or holiday music! Drink plenty of water and practice breathing exercises. Make sure to take time to do the things you enjoy!
  • Schedule regular video calls with family and friends: Virtual calls with your loved ones can help you stay connected during the holiday season. Consider timing your meals to coincide with those of your loved ones so you can still share a meal over a video call!

Finding small things to be thankful for this year will help us all harvest gratitude into next year and ensure a happy and healthy holiday season for years to come!

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