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Sponsored Projects: SUBMIT Program Changes
January 29, 2021
Research, Programs & Grants
During 2020, Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) evaluated the
SUBMIT Program
to ensure efficient use of resources and be able to address needs effectively. We would like to thank to the Research Design Studio for their assistance with this assessment.
Based on the information gathered we made the following, changes effective for eligible proposals submitted after January 1, 2021:
The minimum proposal submission request threshold is raised to $20,000
The dollar values of the SUBMIT incentives across the submission tier amounts were increased
The $200 incentive distribution for the first tier will no longer be split, but rather will only go to PI only on eligible requests
This is the $20,000 - $99,999 tier
All other tiers will be distributed evenly among PI/Co-PI(s)
Finally, effective January 1, Augusta Isley will manage the
SUBMIT Program
and be able to answer any questions you may have about the program or the implementation of these changes. Linda Swartz, SPA Secretary, will continue the financial administration of the program.
Augusta Isley –
; 765.285.5033
Linda Swartz –
; 765.285.1601
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