Season 2, Episode 2 of "Habits" by the Healthy Lifestyle Center is now live!
You can find the episode at
or by searching "Habits by HLC" on your favorite podcast platform (Spotify, Google, Apple Podcasts).
This month's episode is all about healthy sleep – something we could all use more of! Sleep is vital to our well-being but can be challenging to come by. Studies indicate that over 100 million US citizens of all ages report not getting enough restful sleep. In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Aubrey Shell, a clinical psychologist at IU Health specializing in sleep disorders and cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia. Dr. Shell will discuss common issues she sees in her practice and how she helps her patients get a better night's rest.
For Faculty Members:
In an effort to promote “Habits," we have crafted a series of questions related to this month’s episode for faculty to distribute to students, if you'd like to encourage listening and response to the episode for extra credit in your course(s). If you would like a copy of these questions, please feel free to reach out to the Habits team by contacting Dr. Christina Doll, at
We hope you enjoy the episode!
Healthy Lifestyle Center "Habits" Podcast Team