Reminder of Personal Pronoun Selection in Self-Service Banner

January 11, 2022

As a reminder, students, faculty, and staff can add personal pronouns to their personal information in Self Service Banner and share them across Ball State software applications.

To select your preferred personal pronouns, go to

In addition, you may opt-in to share your personal pronoun selection with other Ball State applications. Currently, Canvas and University Libraries are the only available options, but others will be added in the future.

NOTE: Self-Service Banner is the official application where you can make a personal pronoun selection. Creating personal pronouns in any other application will not be available outside that application.

To select which applications you want to share your personal pronouns with, go to

If you have questions about personal pronouns in Self-Service Banner or need assistance, please contact the Technology Helpdesk by visiting to submit a request or call 765-285-1517 to speak with a Technology Helpdesk representative.

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