Personal Pronoun Selection Available in Self Service Banner Beginning June 7

June 07, 2021

Beginning Monday, June 7, 2021, Information Technology will provide the ability for students, faculty, and staff to add personal pronouns to your personal information in Self Service Banner and to share them across Ball State software applications.

To select your preferred personal pronouns, go to

In addition, you may opt-in to any Ball State application you want to share your personal pronoun selection with. Initially, the only option will be Canvas, but other applications will be added in the future.

To select which applications you want to share your personal pronouns with, go to

IMPORTANT: If you previously set up personal pronouns in Canvas, you will need to re-enter that information into Banner and select Canvas as an application for which you want to share your selection. After June 7, you will no longer be able to edit personal pronouns directly in Canvas and we will no longer store personal pronoun information there.

If you have questions about the new Self-Service Banner or need assistance, please contact the Technology Helpdesk by visiting to submit a request or call 765-285-1517 to speak with a Technology Helpdesk representative.

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