Study Information
Are you willing to share your academic story? Your story is important and may inspire others who have experienced academic probation! You decide what you share, and your name will remain confidential.
IRB reviewed #2135981-1
Participants needed for a research study entitled, “Stories of Academic Recovery: Pell Grant-eligible Students from Academic Probation to Good Standing.” This study will examine the experiences of current Pell Grant-eligible undergraduate Ball State students who academically recovered from being on academic probation and are now in good standing. Participants must be 18 years or older. The focus of this study is to gain a better understanding of how current students in good standing navigated being on academic probation.
We invite you to participate in the voluntary screening survey, which asks you to self-identify your academic standing for eligibility determination. This screening survey is estimated to take no more than 5 minutes. You have the right not to answer any question and to stop participation at any time.
Screening survey:
If you meet the criteria for this study and choose to participate, we will schedule a single interview for 60-75 minutes. The interview location will either be on-campus in a public location or on Zoom. During the interview, we will discuss your academic journey in college and the factors that contributed to your academic recovery. There will be no financial compensation for participation in this study.
If you have any questions about this study, please email
Thank you for your consideration!
Anna Peace
Doctoral Student
Teachers College
Ball State University | 765-285-88687
Dr. Thalia Mulvihill
Principal Investigator
Professor of Social Foundations of Education and Higher Education
Teachers College
Ball State University | 765-285-5463