Paid Research Opportunity for Athletes: Recreational and Competitive Levels

February 18, 2025

Participants are needed for a research study conducted by Cole Geschwender in the Biomechanics Laboratory at Ball State University under the supervision of Dr. Clark Dickin.  This study has been approved by the BSU IRB (#2242213). Full completion of the study will be awarded a $20 Tango Gift Card.


  • To examine the influence of reaction time on joint mechanics and forces during a sidestep cut.


  • Recreational or competitive athletes between the ages of 18-35 who actively participate in soccer, football, rugby, field hockey, basketball, or lacrosse. Active participation is at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise towards the specific sport
  • You must be free from orthopedic or neurological conditions that would limit ability to run or cut at maximal speed
  • No previous ligament injury or surgery on either leg, current lower limb pain or injury


  • You will be asked to complete one data collection session
  • You will be asked to perform unanticipated sidestep cuts both to the right and left
    • Cuts will be in response to a displayed image telling you to either cut, stop, or continue straight
      20-30 total cuts
  • Total time commitment approximately 90 minutes
  • You will be asked to perform a series of reaction time tasks
  • You will be required to wear compressive clothing during testing (provided by Ball State Biomechanics Laboratory)
  • You will be asked to complete a Health History Questionnaire
  • $20 Tango Gift Card will be awarded for participants who complete the study


  • Biomechanics Laboratory at Ball State University (HP 311)
  • Parking available if coming from off campus

For more information, please contact Cole Geschwender (

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