New Grant Competitions: National Center for Education Research

July 13, 2021

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has released three new funding announcements this month for the new fiscal year:

Education Research Grants
"This research grant program seeks to expand our understanding of what works for whom, in what context, and why to provide reliable information about how to improve education outcomes for learners at all levels, including early childhood, elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and adult education. Grants support the development and validation of measurement tools, exploratory research, the development and pilot testing of new interventions, initial efficacy studies to evaluate interventions, and longitudinal follow up studies of efficacious interventions."

Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences
"These research training programs seek to fund new approaches to train and mentor students and researchers from diverse backgrounds to encourage their entry into and success in education research careers. These efforts are intended to improve the quality of education research and to encourage new ideas, approaches, and perspectives."

Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication in Education
"This research grant program seeks to support systematic replication studies of interventions that have produced beneficial effects on education outcomes in one or more prior impact studies. Proposed replication studies will systematically vary at least one aspect of the prior impact study and investigate factors that may lead to and sustain successful implementation."

Letters of intent (optional but encouraged) are due July 22, 2021. The application deadline is September 9, 2021.

To learn more about these funding opportunities and others at the IES, visit the IES website. If you are interested in developing a proposal, please contact your proposal manager.

Need assistance or have questions about the grant process? Sponsored Projects Administration is here to help. Browse our website for resources, contact our office or reach out to your proposal manager to get started.

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