May 10-14, 1 p.m. Webinars to Build Your Online Course 
Reserve your spot on the “adventure trail” as we focus on humanizing our journey in teaching online, from how to “warm” your syllabi “fire” to cultivating a welcoming environment in your online course. These webinars correspond to the asynchronous, 5-day online bootcamp ‘Choose Your Adventure’ course, but it is not required to attend the bootcamp to participate in the webinars. 

Monday, May 10: Humanize with a Welcome Video (and Weekly Video Updates) 
Register Here 
Description: How do you bridge the ‘human gap’ between you and your online students? Creating a Welcome Video can set the right tone, cultivate a sense of belonging, and humanize the virtual classroom. A strong Welcome Video will weave a concise story about you, as the course instructor, and what students can expect as the ‘big picture’ of the course. The Welcome Video should be timeless, without mention of course deadlines or other term-specific information, so that it can be sustained again for future courses. Join online and strategic learning, and Sarah Ackermann, executive director for teaching innovation, as she shares tips and best practices for humanizing your course with a Welcome Video and other weekly video updates, from lighting, to tone, to storytelling. 
Tuesday, May 11: Humanize by Setting the Right Tone 
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Description: Tone matters. “It’s one of the most important ways you can influence your students’ learning environment” (Gooblar, 2018, para. 3). As an instructor, you play a critical role in shaping the environment. Join online and strategic learning and learn step-by-step, actionable items to implement in your online classes to cultivate an environment where students feel welcome and motivated to achieve the course goals and objectives. 
Wednesday, May 12: Humanize your Syllabi Language 
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Description: We know that "tone matters" and with so much contact happening asynchronously in virtual spaces, the clarity with which we communicate our teaching philosophy, values and expectations matters even more. Join online and strategic learning and Drs. Kristen McCauliff and Melinda Messineo as we discuss how to ‘warm’ your syllabi, and how syllabi construction can lead to inclusive classrooms and improved student outcomes. 
Thursday, May 13: Humanize and Engage with Zoom  
Register Here 
Description: Teleconferencing is here to stay, so what is the ‘new normal’ for Zoom engagement? Whether you are teaching online only, in-person, or a hybrid course, you will likely use Zoom—even if the Zoom meetings are optional—to engage with your students. Join online and strategic learning and learn strategies to humanize these experiences no matter the modality.  
Friday, May 14: Humanize & Engage with Online Discussions 
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Description: How do structured online discussions allow for high-quality engagement and opportunities for humanizing the virtual space? Join online and strategic learning as we share alternative discussion structures, including lecture reflection, case studies, video analysis, online debate, and student showcases. We will review together pre-built, adaptable, Canvas discussion templates that can be imported into a course. Templates include assignment rationale, possible objectives, clear instructions, grading criteria with grading rubric, links to student support resources, and example posts to guide students.

Questions about these or future faculty development offerings? Contact  
For a full list of offerings this Spring visit the Faculty Development Offerings website. 

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