Looking for Survey Participants

February 16, 2024

Hello! We invite you to be a participant in our survey titled “Autistic Traits and Camouflaging on Gender Nonconformity” that will examine traits in socially-oriented neurodivergence and gender identity. 

This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. All responses to the survey will be kept anonymous. You must be 18 years of age or older, but you do not need to have autism or a minority gender identity in order to participate.

You will be asked questions about demographics, social skill, communication, imagination, attention to detail, social conformity behaviors, and your outlook on your gender identity. We appreciate your response to our survey.

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Ball State University Institutional Review Board (IRB # 2130469-1).

Click on this link to go to the survey: 


Thank you for your time and participation in our survey.

Principal Investigator                                                              Student Co-Investigator

George Gaither, PhD, HSPP                                                  DeFord Cope

Department of Psychological Science                                    Department of Psychological Science

Ball State University                                                               Ball State University

ggaither@bsu.edu                                                                  dcjcope@bsu.edu

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