This discussion brings together leaders and practitioners of education innovation and reform.

Event Details:

Distinguished Panelists:

Moderated by Brandon Brown, CEO of The Mind Trust

Together, our panelists will explore pressing issues facing K-12 education and deliberate on innovative responses to these challenges. Attendees will gain insights into the evolving landscape of education, including policy shifts, systemic reforms, and grassroots initiatives poised to make a significant impact on learners and communities.

Engage and Prepare: Prior to the dialogue, participants are encouraged to visit the New American Dialogue website to access a comprehensive Platform Book. This resource provides essential background literature, offering deeper context on the topics to be discussed and highlighting stories of impactful reforms and solutions from the past two decades.

RSVP Today: Engagement in this dialogue is a unique opportunity to contribute to the shaping of educational futures. We invite educators, policymakers, community leaders, and all stakeholders to join us for an evening of rich and collaborative discussion. 

Please RSVP At The Event Page

About the Hosts: The Sagamore Institute stands at the nexus of policy innovation and action, fostering a network of experts dedicated to crafting solutions for global and local challenges. Through a dual approach that influences policy and implements practical solutions, Sagamore has been at the forefront of transformative change.

The Center for Economic and Civic Learning at Ball State, along with Muncie Community Schools and the Ross Community Center of Muncie, are pivotal in this dialogue, each bringing knowledge and experience to the discussion on the future of K-12 education.

The Mind Trust is a pioneering organization based in Indianapolis, focusing on transformative education deeply rooted in equity. Founded in 2006 by former mayor Bart Peterson and David Harris, its goal is to ensure that race and income are not determinants of life outcomes. With a history spanning over 18 years, The Mind Trust has made significant strides, including the launch of 49 public schools in Indianapolis, developing support strategies for schools and educators, and engaging deeply with the community to advocate for educational reform. Central to its mission is a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, supporting various programs and initiatives to foster an equitable educational landscape. The organization works closely with educators, parents, students, and community members through impactful programs and partnerships, aiming for lasting change in Indianapolis' education system.

Please join us in this event to move ideas into action for the betterment of K-12 education in our community

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