Immersive Projects: Fall 2020

August 10, 2020

Beneficence Family Scholars Project

Beneficence Family Scholars is a nonprofit organization with the mission to help single parents attain higher education. BFS is a registered affiliate of Family Scholar House, an organization in Louisville, Kentucky, that has helped 700 families graduate since 2010 through services including family advocacy, educational programming. and housing. BFS is in the process of developing their first residential campus here in Muncie to help the 14 Scholars currently on the waitlist. The goals of this project are to:

  1. Create a new name based on researching branding philosophies, consulting branding and IP professionals, and conducting focus group research with the current Scholars in the program. Conduct brand perception studies with a variety of focus groups and community partners. Reexamine the mission, vision, and purpose statements of BFS, as well as past and current marketing strategies and web design.
  2. Design a plan for rolling out the new name and any necessary rebranding. Design promotional materials such as pamphlets, and update website as necessary.
  3. Design and create a series of videos highlighting BFS’ mission/vision, Scholars, and goals for the community, to highlight why the new name captures the heart of BFS.

This is a two-semester commitment and students will earn 3 credits each semester for a total of 6 credits. We are interested in people who are passionate about education, creative, interested in marketing and rebranding, or video production.

For more information, contact Peggy Fisher, Department of Communication Studies.

Book Arts Collaborative

Book Arts Collaborative is an immersive community letterpress and hand-sewn book bindery where the students are first taught and then they teach the community. This is done working with Tribune Showprint. In fall 2020, the class will be History of the Book. The course is English 421: Studies in Literary History and will meet 2:00-2:50 MWF. Later in the semester, there will be floating lab times scheduled at the students' convenience.

Hear past students talk about what they have gained from the course.

For more information, contact Dr. Rai Peterson, Department of English.

CS4MS+: Computer Science for Muncie (and Surrounding) Schools

In this project you will:

  • Have a significant positive impact in the lives of hundreds of local school students and teachers
  • Have significant control over what you do in the course
  • Share your love of computer science and problem solving
  • Research, develop, curate, and deliver instructional resources
  • Advance teachers’ understanding of CS and/or interact with their students as a learning assistant
  • Experience personal and professional growth

This project needs an interdisciplinary team of students. Although a focus of this project is students in the computer science major or minor, if you are majoring or minoring in a related area, such as education, mathematical sciences, natural sciences, computer technology, or simply have an interest, this project is for you. This course is offered for 1,2, or 3 credit hours and can fit your schedule! Extensive computer science knowledge is not required.

Check out this flyer more information and listen to the faculty mentor talk about the project.

To apply for the project, contact David Largent, Department of Computer Science.

Measuring and Reporting Sustainability

Sustainability reporting is a strategy for monitoring and improving an organization’s environmental, social, and economic progress toward sustainable development goals. Thousands of multinational companies use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards to publicly disclose their goals, successes, and challenges. For eight years, teams of students have collaborated with Ball State’s Council on the Environment and a host of administrators, faculty, and community members to prepare sustainability reports for Ball State. By the end of this project, students were well-versed in the process, metrics, and GRI framework for sustainability reporting.

Be a part of the team that prepares Ball State's 9th sustainability report during fall of 2020. Undergraduate and graduate students with interest in sustainable development, energy and material flow, organizational governance, social equity, or those with expertise in journalism, writing, accounting, photography, or graphic and publication design should apply. This class (SUST 330) is worth three credits and meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00 to 11:50am.

For more information, contact Mary Annette Rose, Department of Educational Studies.

Spanish Grammar for Heritage Speakers

With this project, heritage and native Spanish speakers will have the opportunity to participate in a community project that supports dual language programs in local schools.

Check out this poster for further details.

For more information, contact Dr. Chin-Sook Pak, Department of Modern Languages and Classics

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