How do I recycle at Ball State?

November 06, 2024

Did you know that at Ball State we recycle cardboard, electronics, glass, metals like aluminum, tin, and steel, paper products, and plastics #1, #2, and #5? To see what number the plastic is, look for the number within the recycling logo on the product packaging. Ideally, please place empty, clean, and dry items into the blue recycling bags or labeled recycling bins. If you don’t have access to a sink, at least, empty the recyclable. Muncie’s sorting facility can handle about 10% of contamination. If it is greater than that, the recycling load gets placed into trash. Electronics should be brought to the Tech center in the Bracken Library. 

It is understandable if you are confused about what we can recycle. Each geographic area accepts different items depending on sorting capabilities and the local market for recyclable products. Help us recycle and make a difference to human health and the planet! It helps us save energy and water while reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. For more information about what you can do to make a difference, go to

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