What Does it Mean to Live a Meaningful Life? A New Ball State Course on Citizenship, Community, and Leadership

April 07, 2024

We invite you to embark on a journey exploring the essence of engaged citizenship, the significance of community involvement, and the dynamics of ethical leadership.
Scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:15, this 3-credit Honors 390 (Course CRN: 26509) course Citizenship, Community, and Leadership will not just be another classroom lecture series. Instead, it promises to be a vibrant, discussion-driven exploration into what it means to live a purposeful life within a democratic community. Through an interdisciplinary approach, you will delve into the complexities of social and political participation, scrutinizing the responsibilities that come with engaged citizenship and the ethical considerations of leadership.

Why This Course?

  • Rising Rates of Despair: Research indicates significant increases in depression, substance abuse, suicides, and a decline in close friendships and marriage rates, a picture of a society struggling with despair and isolation.
  • A Sense of Purpose: The absence of a sense of civic purpose and commitment to community has left people ethically inarticulate, in a cycle of social pain that manifests as bitterness and hostility.
  • Politicization of Identity: Politics has become a substitute for community and deeper sense of citizenship turning social and ethical issues into divisive political battles, exacerbating loneliness, and reducing complex moral questions to binary political identities.
  • Fixing the Problem: While technology, social isolation, demographic changes, and economic inequality are all cited as contributing factors for increasing isolation and depression, several people have noted the societal shift away from a sense of purpose and responsible citizenship.

The course is designed to inspire you to take action and reflect on your role within our communitiy and our broader democratic fabric. By critically examining speeches from historical figures like Frederick Douglass and analyzing the thoughts of philosophers such as Hannah Arendt and Karl Popper, you will be challenged to reevaluate your perspectives on citizenship, community, and leadership. 

What Can You Expect? 

  • Exploration of Life’s Fundamental Questions: This course invites you to ponder questions about life, purpose, and a reflective examination of your values and beliefs.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Drawing on insights from philosophy, history, psychology, and other disciplines, this course will offer a rich tapestry of perspectives on how to find meaning in life. 
  • Practical Wisdom: This course will offer practical advice and strategies for aligning one’s actions with broader goals and values, seeking to help you live more intentionally and meaningfully.
  • Personal Stories and Examples: Through narratives, this course will illustrates how different individuals have navigated the search for meaning, providing relatable insights and lessons learned.
  • Call to Action: This course will challenge you to take an active role in defining and pursuing your own conception of a meaningful life, suggesting that such a pursuit is essential for personal fulfillment and societal well-being. 

For those interested in joining this innovative course and becoming part of a dynamic learning community committed to making a real difference, please reach out to Honors College Dean Jim Buss at james.buss@bsu.edu for enrollment permission and further information.

This unique course is especially suited for students from American Studies, History, Sociology, English, and broad social sciences, though all interested BSU students are encouraged to consider enrolling. With an array of engaging activities and thought-provoking discussions, "Honors 390" aims to cultivate a generation of thoughtful leaders and active citizens dedicated to making impactful contributions to society.

Don't miss this opportunity to redefine your understanding of leadership and citizenship, and to discover how you can contribute to a more engaged and thoughtful community. Join us this fall for a transformative educational experience at Ball State University.
For more details, visit the course description page here, and feel free to contact Dr. David J. Roof for any inquiries.
Contact Information:
Dr. David J. Roof
Email: djroof@bsu.edu
Phone: 217-721-6741


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