Healthy Partner Relationships course

July 18, 2024

Ball State has a course called ECYF 375 Healthy Partner Relationships.

This is a very unique course. It has great application for partner/couple relationships and for life in general. It is an interesting mix of science and practical application. No textbook or tests, but you need to come to class for the in-depth discussions, and participate in virtual group discussions on Fridays. Most assignments are based on applying course content from brief readings and course presentations to your life. See the course description at the end of this message.

Topics include: The self as a foundation for healthy partner relationships (having a healthy identity, family-of-origin influences, commitment), healthy vs unrealistic expectations and beliefs (love, sex, cohabitation, marriage, relationship dissolution/divorce), relationship development processes (dating, mate-selection, courtship, transition to long-term/marital relationship), and establishing and maintaining mutually satisfying intimate relationships (communication and conflict resolution, managing work and family roles, dealing with relationship problems).

This is a 3-credit face-to-face course only offered each Fall semester. No prerequisites (except for wanting to learn and change your life—I know, that was cheesy). It will usually count as a general elective unless you are a Family Studies major or Family Engagement minor. Think it over and let me know if you have any questions.

Course Description: Learn about preparing for, building, and maintaining healthy partner relationships. Topics include becoming a healthy relationship partner, the importance of a person’s family and dating background for healthy relationship expectations, and using effective relationship skills to foster mutually satisfying intimate relationships. The discussion-based course includes experiential assignments to help students apply course content to their own lives.

Scott Hall

Professor, Family Studies

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