Please consider participating in a Nutrition and Health Science research study! Free health data and compensation are available.
We want to better understand how age and body composition (muscle versus fat) influence health markers in people with a body mass index (BMI) in the “normal” range (IRBNet #2140256-1).
Commitment: We will ask you to complete a screener (~1 hour) and one additional visit. At the screening visit we will explain the study and complete several one-time measurements (e.g., blood pressure). During the second visit, will perform a blood draw and measure your vascular health, ask you to eat a large slice of pie, and then allow you to leave for a while. We will ask you to come back about 3 hours later and we will repeat the same procedures (~2 hours in lab time). The total time commitment is ~3 hours.
By completing our study, you will receive free health information such as:
- Body composition (e.g., body fat %) and bone density with DXA
- Metabolic markers (e.g., cholesterol, blood sugar)
- Inflammatory markers
- Measure of vascular health
- Markers of gut health
You will also receive an $50 Tango gift card for completing the study. Initial screening criteria include age of either 18-35 years or > 60 years and a BMI of 18.5-25.0 kg/m2 (calculate BMI here: We are flexible with scheduling and have free/convenient parking. For more information, please reach out to Alexis Quirk at!