Computer Science 1 (CS 120) students displaying their work in the 18th All-section Art Show

March 31, 2022


Our Computer Science 1 (CS 120) course takes a "Multimedia-First" approach. Students from this semester's course are displaying their work on combining images this week in an art show. The work being displayed has been selected by the students in their course section as one of the best in their section. Thirteen students' work will be on display.

The in-person show displays both the images the students produced and the code they wrote (using the Python programming language). Although the images could have been created using an image-editing program, these students have written the code themselves to create these collages programmatically by manipulating individual pixels.

This is the eighteenth semester the Department of Computer Science has sponsored this event, which has been well received by previous attendees. The students enjoy participating since the project gives them an opportunity to be creative and show the public and their peers what they can do with only a few weeks of programming experience. This semester's participants range from freshman to senior students, and include Meteorology and Climatology, Computer Information Systems, Computer Technology, TCOM (Multimedia), Actuarial Science, Physics, and Computer Science majors.

This in-person show is being held in the BSU AJ Atrium on Friday, April 1, 2022, between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Please drop by the show to see examples of what our students do in our introductory programming class. If you’re not able to attend in person, you may access the show’s webpage now at For more information, please contact David Largent (, who has organized the event since its inception in 2013.

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