Call for Applications: Ball Brothers Honors College Faculty and Professional Staff Fellows

January 13, 2025

Call for Applications
Ball Brothers Honors College Faculty and Professional Staff Fellows

Applications for the Fall 2025-Spring 2027 Fellowship are due by 5pm on Friday, January 31, 2025

The Honors College seeks faculty and professional staff not currently teaching Honors College courses to be named the next Ball Brothers Honors College Faculty Fellow and the next Ball Brothers Honors College Professional Staff Fellow. The BBHC Fellowship is a two-year (fall/spring/fall/spring) part-time load (two courses per academic year) competitively selected assignment within the Honors College. It is a means by which additional faculty and professional staff can partner with the Honors College for a fixed term to benefit the Fellow’s professional agenda, to benefit the students directly impacted by the Fellow, and to further the student success work of the Honors College. The Fellow benefits by having the opportunity to pursue interdisciplinary opportunities possible only in partnership with Honors College; the students benefit by access to a partnership not otherwise possible in the Honors College; the Honors College community benefits through long-term impact on course design, innovative co-curricular opportunities, and recruitment of future Fellows and students for such projects.

The BBHC Faculty and Professional Staff Fellowship program includes the following funding elements:

  • a named fellowship salary stipend of $2000 per AY, for a total of $4000;
  • a faculty or professional staff development stipend in the summer prior to year one and in the summer prior to year two, $2000 per summer, for a total of $4000;
  • $5000 to support a co-curricular experience or other special elements related to a course or an area of expertise that would benefit the community and broader Honors College student body. 

The prospective Faculty and Professional Staff Fellows should propose:

  • two original and dynamic learner-centered courses that would be taught fall or spring of the first year and fall or spring of the second year; 
  • an innovative co-curricular activity, such as a community engagement activity, a campus workshop, a local or regional field study, or other high-impact experience that is either connected to a course or would benefit the community and broader Honors College student body. 

The prospective Fellow application should also include:

  • a letter articulating how the proposed BBHC Fellowship will enhance the applicant’s professional work beyond the term of the fellowship;
  • a letter from the applicant’s department chair or supervisor indicating support for the proposed BBHC Faculty or Professional Staff Fellowship and agreement to the loading and financial terms;
  • a current CV.

Application materials for the Fall 2025–Spring 2027 Fellowship should be submitted to the Honors College no later than 5pm on January 31, 2025, by emailing the application to with the subject line: Ball Brothers Honors College Fellowship. Applicants will be reviewed by a committee selected by the Dean of the Honors College; this committee will provide recommendations to the Dean. The selected BBHC Faculty and Professional Staff Fellows will be announced in February. 

Honors College Dean Jim Buss welcomes inquiries and questions from interested faculty and professional staff. Please contact him at

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