Ball State Hosts 'Summer Civic Learning Academy' Empowering Educators in Civics and Education

July 15, 2024

The 2024 Summer Civic Learning Academy (SCLA), hosted by the Center for Economic and Civic Learning at Ball State University, concluded with success. This success was due to a dedicated group of teachers Muncie Community Schools (MCS) who participated in the academy, along with an expert group of presenters. SCLA is part of the CREATE project aimed at enhancing civics education through innovative approaches.

Please see a recap of the SCLA Week-1 HERE and Week-2 HERE.  

Teachers from Muncie Community Schools (MCS) participated in the SCLA. 

Highlights of the SCLA:

  • Significant Knowledge Improvement: Evaluation data indicated a notable increase in teachers' knowledge across various civics topics. Areas such as US Government, Indiana History, U.S. Constitution, Local History, U.S. Bill of Rights, Media Literacy, and American History. We saw statistically significant improvements.
  • Enhanced Implementation of Civics Education: Teachers reported the desire to implement civic-related activities post-program. These activities include teacher-led discussions, guest speakers, field trips, hands-on engagement activities, and fostering future citizenship.
  • Increased Confidence in Teaching Civics: The academy significantly boosted teachers' confidence in connecting civics to literacy instruction, discussing sensitive topics, disseminating civic content, and improving civics achievement for low-income and underrepresented students.
  • Comprehensive Understanding of Civics: Teachers' perceptions of their civic content knowledge, disposition, agency, and access to curriculum and evidence-based strategies improved significantly, indicating a holistic enhancement in their approach to civic education.

We are deeply appreciative for those who presented at the 2024 Summer Civic Learning Academy (SCLA):

Quotes from Teachers:

  • "If I’d have known all this before, I’d have been a different teacher."
  • "I also feel more confident at taking civics and integrating it in different areas of studies! I love the idea of civics encapsulating each area of study."
  • "To me civics is a fundamental part of education"
  • "The resources and connections made during SCLA were invaluable. I feel much more equipped to integrate civics into my curriculum"
  • "Civics has become the backbone of a well-rounded environment that nurtures a child into a great citizen"

Ball State Student Involvement:

  • Em Allen: A rising star and junior at Ball State, majoring in English Literature and minoring in Economics and Women's and Gender Studies, contributed to the event's success. Em stated, "It was a fantastic experience to see how civics can be integrated into various subjects and to help support our local educators."
  • Francis Baldridge: A Business Administration major graduating in May 2027, Francis participated in the SCLA, gaining valuable insights into the intersection of civics and business education.
  • Claire McKinney: a marketing major at Ball State played a pivotal role in organizing and enhancing the Summer Civic Learning Academy, ensuring its successful execution and impactful outcome.

Program Highlights:

  • Interactive Sessions: Teachers engaged in hands-on activities, field trips, community partnerships, educational videos, interactive games, and guest speaker sessions.
  • Focus on Real-World Applications: Emphasis on practical strategies for embedding civics into the curriculum, addressing current events, and managing classroom discussions on sensitive topics.

The SCLA has empowered teachers with the knowledge, confidence, and resources needed to foster a deeper understanding of civic responsibility among students. The program's success underscores the importance of ongoing paid professional development in enhancing the quality of education in our community.  

For more information about the Summer Civic Learning Academy and future events, please contact Dr. David J. Roof at

The Center for Economic and Civic Learning at Ball State is dedicated to enriching K-12 civics education through innovative projects and collaborations. CREATE is a testament to Ball State and CECL's commitment to promoting civic engagement and collaboration in education. 

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