Ball State University Bookstore Adjusted Hours

March 26, 2020
As the campus responds to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the Ball State University Bookstore will be operating with modified hours by appointment only. Customers may contact the Ball State University Bookstore between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to set up an appointment to return rental books or other basic services. Please know that the doors to the Arts and Journalism Building (AJ) are locked so customers will need to call the number below when they arrive for their appointment to gain access to the Bookstore. To maintain the security of the building, only a limited number of customers will be allowed access to the building at one time.

Please be sure to check out the Ball State University Bookstore website for information regarding services including instructions for returning rental books free of charge through United Parcel Services (UPS).

Visit us at
Ball State Bookstore Phone Number: 765-285-8090
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