Artificial You: Smarter, Faster, and … Optional?
Th., March 13, 5 p.m. - Whitinger Business 144
This event is presented by Institute for the Study of Political Economy, Miller College of Business.
What happens when AI can ace your exams, write your papers, and maybe even do your future job? From cloning voices and creating superhero pictures to winning legal cases and picking stocks better than experts, AI is reshaping our world in ways both exciting and concerning. Through interactive demonstrations, personal stories, and surprising research findings, this talk explores how AI is already transforming everything from dating to medical diagnosis. While current AI still makes amusing mistakes (like struggling to tell time), its capabilities are growing exponentially. But here is the real question: If there was a button you can click to do all your work perfectly and replace you, would you press it? Join us for an engaging exploration of how AI might make being “smart” optional, just like the industrial revolution made being “strong” optional—and what that means for your future.
Boris Nikolaev is an award-winning researcher and educator whose work explores the intersection of entrepreneurship, well-being, and emerging technologies like AI. His recent research examines the implications of AI for business, work, and education—unpacking its applications, limitations, and latest developments.
With over 50 peer-reviewed publications, including articles in premier journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and Journal of International Business Studies, his research has been featured in The Economist, Forbes, TechCrunch, the Atlantic, and many other major media outlets. His contributions to the field have earned him multiple research excellence awards, including the Habicht Early Career Research Award.
A passionate and innovative teacher, Boris has been recognized by the Academy of Management and has earned multiple university-wide teaching awards. These include the William H. Fox Teaching Award for Emerging Excellence (Emory University), the N. Preston Davis Award for Instructional Innovation (Colorado State University), the Provost Award for Outstanding Teaching (University of South Florida), and the Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Award (AOM ENT Division).