Apply to participate: Teaching with Artificial Intelligence – Asynchronous course with synchronous touchpoints

January 06, 2025

In support of instructors navigating the impact of AI on their teaching, the Division of Online and Strategic Learning is facilitating Teaching with Artificial Intelligence, an asynchronous course created by Auburn University’s Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.

Through this course, participants will

  • Review terms and interact with tools related to AI;
  • Engage in conversations and activities to connect what they are learning with their teaching;
  • Decide on an informed plan of action to address the ethical and technical issues of the AI disruption in their courses; and
  • Consider how to design, or re-design, courses that engage students and support their learning.

This asynchronous online course has an estimated duration of 5-7 hours. Once participants complete the Getting Started Module (module 0), they will work through five interactive modules. The modules are designed to be completed in the order presented to prepare for subsequent content. Participants earn a digital badge for each module by completing all activities and the discussion within that module. An additional badge is earned by completing all five course modules, earning each corresponding digital badge, and participating in a capstone discussion that synthesizes everything learned throughout the course. The Division of Online and Strategic Learning will further enhance this experience by offering three touchpoints, giving participants the opportunity to engage in real time with Ball State colleagues in reflective discussion.

This course is open to full-time faculty (tenured, pre-tenure, and non-tenure line) and those supporting faculty in innovative course design. Additional details including an overview of the course and content are available in this document.

Enrollment is limited and participation will be distributed between two cohorts—one during fall 2024 and the second during spring 2025. Spring participants will begin in January and complete the course by April 15, 2025.


The deadline for application submission is 11:59 pm on FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2025.

Questions? Contact Kathleen Jacobi (

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