Are you an Administrative Coordinator/Admin Professional interested in gaining resources and making connections?

Join Kyla McKillip, Sr. Admin Specialist to the AVP for People and Culture, and Charity Coffman in Learning and Development, for a half hour of networking and discussion of hot topic items necessary for your role at Ball State!

Each session will begin with tips and tricks for navigating Ball State systems as well as helping folks connect with resources-- both human and non-human across campus. Most of the time will be spent connecting and interacting together.

Upcoming Meet-Up Sessions: Register Here

  • Wednesday, July 24th @ 9:00 - 9:30 AM
    • Presenter: Augusta Isley
    • Topic: RIA (Research Incentive Accounts)
  • Thursday, September 12th @ 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Presenter: Charity Coffman
    • Topics: Event Planning & Management, Networking
    • Location: Student Center Forum Room
  • Tuesday, October 22nd @ 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
    • Presenter: Sarah Lee
    • Topic: New Programming/Q&A (SPA)
  • Tuesday, November 12th @ 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
    • No Presenter

**There will be no session in August**

Sessions will be held via Zoom and links will be provided once registered. For questions, please contact Learning and Development or Kyla McKillip.

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