Academic/Service interests in foster children?

February 01, 2024

Looking for BSU faculty, staff, and students to help leverage the resources of Ball State toward supporting effective foster care.

I am a faculty member in Early Childhood, Youth, and Family Studies who has been building some community connections related to foster care in recent years. I hope to spearhead a group of faculty, staff, and students interested in becoming part of a core group of individuals who can help leverage the resources of Ball State toward supporting effective foster care in Delaware County (or also beyond). I call it the Bolstering Foster Family Resiliency — or “Buffer” — Initiative.

Its preliminary aims are as follows:

1. Establish a system spearheaded by the department of ECYFS to:

•             Increase general awareness of how to support those in the foster care system

•             Involve students and faculty with planning and facilitating aspects of the Initiative

•             Assist local agencies/programs related to the initiative (e.g.., CASA, Isaiah 117 House, Department of Child Services, Guardian Scholars)

2.            Integrate academic and community partnerships into this system

If you have any interest in having some involvement with this effort, be it more with academic/scholarly efforts or general community outreach service, feel free to reach out to me for further discussion.

Scott Hall,

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